Morris, Minn.— Pedersen Funeral & Cremation Service in Morris, MN, has made a $15,000 donation toward lighting the fields at the new Morris Community Softball Complex. Morris Area Schools, the UMN Morris, and the City of Morris have teamed up to create a first-rate facility that will be an asset to the schools and community for years to come.
“When you think of summer, ball is something that brings people together. We know the importance of family and spending quality time together, and our hope is that our contribution to this project will help members of this area do just that,” says Amanda Lee, Managing Funeral Director at Pedersen. The funeral home chooses charitable endeavors that align with their values, and Lee says what they value most is their community. A portion of the funeral home donation was matched by Funeral Directors Life, the life insurance and annuity company that provides funding options for individuals and families who preplan with Pedersen. “We are here to serve in all walks of life, not only in death. Giving back to the community has always been and will always be a priority to Pedersen Funeral Home. As longtime supporters of the Morris softball and baseball programs, we were very excited about the opportunity to help provide lights for the new fields.”
“The new softball field complex will provide amazing opportunities for student-athletes in programs across the communities of the Morris area and beyond. We are especially grateful for the support from local organizations including Pedersen Funeral home who have helped make this project possible by creating one of the finest fields in west central Minnesota,” adds Bryan Herrmann, UMN Morris Vice Chancellor, Facilities and Finance.
Construction on the new Morris Community Softball Complex began fall of 2020 and is currently in its final phase. Lee says, “Everyone will be using these new fields, not only our local college athletes but also tee-ball programs, high school teams, and every level in between. By providing this donation to the new softball complex, we are thrilled to help make the Morris area a better place to live, work, and play.”
About Pedersen Funeral & Cremation Service
Pedersen Funeral & Cremation Service honors lives by helping families create individualized services designed to meet their needs, doing their utmost to make each tribute unique. They are a full-service provider—preneed, at need, aftercare, and monuments—that offers compassionate care to Morris, Starbuck, and the surrounding communities. Please visit pedersenfh.com for more information.