Talking about your own funeral might be an intimidating thought, but the reasons to meet with a funeral service professional in advance significantly outweigh any potential feelings of uncertainty. Here are three key points that will help give you encouragement to call for a preplanning appointment.

Your loved ones need your help. Arranging your funeral in advance enables you to consider your personal preferences and make your own unique choices, but it also eliminates the decision-making burden for your family. Preplanning is one of the best gifts you can give loved ones in order to ensure they will not be faced with such a heavy responsibility at an already emotionally overwhelming time. This allows them to focus on their journey through grief.

Death has no schedule. The best age to prearrange your funeral might be sooner than you think. Some funeral service experts say age fifty is a good time to get started; however, everyone would benefit from the immense value of having plans in place. In fact, it is a growing trend among young individuals who want to adequately prepare for their futures and for retirement, part of which includes putting final wishes in writing and proactively factoring in the financial aspects. Funeral homes can help you estimate costs and set aside funds in a funeral trust. This portable trust, which is not considered an asset, helps give you peace of mind that expenses will be covered when the time comes.

Preplanning meetings are not scary. A prearrangement conference involves a friendly conversation with a specialist who can guide you through the many options and help you properly record your wishes. The decisions made during preplanning can be altered at any time.

Our funeral home has knowledgeable, experienced professionals who are eager to support you in the preplanning process. Call us to make an appointment today.